Sancte et Sapienter

Posted on Friday, November 10, 2017

After four years of online independent study, I'm finally back to school... which could perhaps have something to do with the lack of blog posts as of late (not to mention the fact that I've been travelling around Europe all summer). This autumn I moved from Oxford to London to study English Literature at King's College London and it's safe to say that I've loved every minute of it thus far; I can't think of a better degree for me or a better place in which to read English Literature. Not only am I studying in the very heart of London, but I am living in Bloomsbury where the likes of authors such as Charles Dickens and Virginia Woolf lived. Since starting university just over a month ago, I've learnt (and read!) so much and being in such a fast-paced city has made it difficult to process this surreal experience. The motto for King's is 'Sancte et Sapienter', Latin for 'With Holiness and Wisdom'— King's embodies these two principles and I'm beginning to see them being instilled in me.

Botanic Gardens // The Oxford Student

Posted on Saturday, May 13, 2017

Last week I shot a botanic editorial for The Oxford Union's newspaper, The Oxford Student...

Wednesday White

Posted on Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Wednesday wander down Logic Lane...

Outset of the Dusk

Posted on Sunday, March 12, 2017

The best days seem to come out of nowhere; this particular Wednesday was looking to be pretty mundane until two of my friends invited me on a walk to take photos for an art project. Despite the school work I probably should have been doing, we wandered around Christ Church and Merton College to scout out the perfect stained glass and architecture to sketch.

Feels Like Forever Ago

Posted on Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What's a blogger to do when she's busy every afternoon except for the dark and rainy ones? Looking back on my holiday to Finland, I found a few of my favourite shots I had forgotten about...

Half Her Beauty is Her Brain

Posted on Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I've been spending a lot of time in London lately thanks to interviews and exams, but I can't complain because a) for the most part, I thoroughly enjoy university interviews as it gives me a chance to meet interesting academics, and b) I always hit up Five Guys to reward myself afterwards...

The Days are Long but the Years are Short

Posted on Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Some days seem to have no end; the sort of days that drag on regardless of how many plans you have or how much work you're getting done... For the most part, January appears to be comprised of lengthy days like these. It is on these days that I run.
